Stef Noordermeer

Stef Noordermeer


Rekenduo and Eduo the online learning material in gamification with 25 different school subjects. Groundbreaking in education because not only does the site create games, but teachers can also place THEIR own teaching materials in gamification. The players will learn…

Liberation Games Design

Liberation Game design makes thematic games, which are abstract enough to remain accessible to a wide audience. The theme of the games is very extensive researched to ensure that the gaming experience is very much in line with the theme…

Jolly Dutch

Bringing family and friends around the table and having a good time: that is our mission at Jolly Dutch! Our games are “Jolly” with a happy theme and beautiful illustrations, are not too long and are not too complicated. Ideal…

Frog Dog Games

Dragon Dance is a card game for all ages from 2-8 players.The dragon is the only mythical animal from the Chinese horoscope, its colored scales come to life when you connect them properly. Information from BoardGameGeek.

Fantasy Encounter

As every year we will offer current Board & Card Games, Role Playing Games; TableTop Games; Trading Card Games, War Games (CoSims); Game Miniatures; Dice; Plush Toys, quite a few CAT ;-] and also a wide range of special offers…