Bring & Buy
A lot of board game owners have the same problem: the closet with games is about to burst. At the same time they are still searching for that one grail game.
Welcome to the Bring & Buy of Zuiderspel. Here we offer sellers a platform to reduce the size of their collection while at the same time offering buyers a chance to find a nice bargain.

Rules of the Bring & Buy at Zuiderspel
There are different rules for buyers and sellers in the Bring & Buy. We’ll explain those rules below including the process concerning offering games, buying/selling and retrieving unsold games.
We advise you to read the rules in full but if you’ve already done that or if you have offered games in Bring & Buys in the past, we also have a TL:DR:
- (Dutch only)
- Min € 5, Max 20 board games, 10% deduction, deadline offerings March 3rd.
- Print and stick your own QR-Codes.
- (Buyers only) No bags in the Bring & Buy.
I want to sell games
- The Bring & Buy is a second hand market for board and card games. This means that we only accept games that are out of their original shrink wrap. Similarly we only accept board and card games; at this time we don’t have space for miniature games, roleplaying games, video games and all other kinds of entertaining stuff.
- The Bring & Buy of Zuiderspel uses (Dutch only). If you want to sell games, you’ll need to create a user account on this site.
- After logging on at (Dutch only), you can register the games you want to sell. Every game needs a name and a price.
- You are free to set your own prices however there is a minimum price of € 5 and all prices need to be in whole Euros (so no € 9.99).
- You’re allowed to offer a maximum of 20 games per person. We have chosen this limit to allow a maximum number of visitors to offer their games. If we notice people abusing this limit (by creating multiple accounts) we will take action.
- Once you’ve registered your games on the site, you select which ones you want to offer at Zuiderspel. Use the check boxes and choose Zuiderspel ’25 as the event. At this point you’ll also need to set at which day you’ll be checking in your games and at which day you’ll be checking them out. Choosing which games you want to offer needs to be done before March 3rd 2025. If you don’t select any games for Zuiderspel, you’re not participating in the Bring & Buy.
- To identify the games they need to be labelled with a QR code. This is something you can prepare yourself or you can do this at Zuiderspel for a fee. If you’re doing this at home then you can download your QR codes from the site. Sticking them to your games can be done using special adhesive paper or simply with paper and tape (use magic tape or crepe tape in this case). Don’t forget to test your prints by scanning the QR codes yourself with a QR code scanner app. If our scanners cannot read your QR codes, Zuiderspel will need to print them for you. See also the next point.
- If you are unable or unwilling to print your codes Zuiderspel can do this for you. You can indicate this on the site, if you do we’ll make sure the codes are printed and ready for you. For this we ask a contribution of € 1 per 10 codes.
- Put an elastic band on all your games so that they do not fall open when placed on their side.
- Check in advance if your games are complete. We accept only complete games, with minimal damage on the box.
- Zuiderspel reserves the right to refuse games at any time.

- You can drop off your games on Saturday or Sunday between 9:30 and 10:45 h.
- The drop-off point is located outside the Genderfoyer. You can get there by walking outside to the right along the halls. Follow the signs and instructions from the volunteers.
- It is possible to leave your games from Saturday to Sunday in the Bring & Buy. You do this at your own risk. After closing time, the exhibition halls are locked; they are not accessible to anyone in the evening.
- Starting from 15:00 h you can pick up your unsold games. Online you can see exactly which games have been sold and which are still available at the Bring & Buy. To do this, you walk through Bring & Buy and pick up your own games. Start this at 17:30 at the latest.
- Take your games to the cash register. Here they scan your personal QR code and the games your taking home with you.
- Unclaimed games are automatically donated to Zuiderspel. We decide what to do with them.
- For all of your sold games, we will transfer the money to the account number you entered on the site within 10 working days after the end of the fair.
- 10% will be deducted from the total amount you have sold (so if you have sold for €35, you will receive €31.50).
- Zuiderspel is not responsible for the loss or damage of games that are handed in at the Bring & Buy.
- Zuiderspel does not provide compensation for missing game parts or damaged games.
- If there is ever any conflict between these rules and the Dutch version of these rules, then the Dutch version is the correct version.
I want to buy games
- The Bring & Buy opens at 11:00 h and closes at 17:30 h.
- Zuiderspel isn’t responsible for the state and / or the completeness of the games in the Bring & Buy.
- Payment can be done with debit card or cash.
- We do not accept bags in the Bring & Buy. You can leave bags (that fit a Carcassonne box or larger) with someone who is not going into the Bring & Buy or you can hang them on the available coat racks.
For questions or clarifications please contact