Zuiderspel is initiated by a non-commercial organisation: Stichting Zuiderspel (KvK 17278148).
The organisation and the implementation of the games fair is done by an enthusiastic group of volunteers.
Rene Vaes (President) – send an e-mail
Pieter Syroit (Vice-president, Volunteers) – send an e-mail
Stef Noordermeer (Secretary, Exhibitors) – send an e-mail
Wim Rijkers (Treasurer, Sponsorship) – send an e-mail
Jerry de Vos (PR/media, Website) – send an e-mail
If you are interested in Zuiderspel as a representative of the press, you can get more information about Zuiderspel at
You can use this mail address also if you want to get a press invitation.
Postal address:
Binnenhof 10
5509 MR Veldhoven