
Play as one of the abbots and discover the relics, beautiful stained glass windows and the impressive library in this board game based on the rich history of the Bornem Abbey, a beautiful Cistercian abbey in Klein-Brabant. 

Each round you play 4 of your hand cards and try to be the first to get the central card that you then play on your own game board. The right card at the right time ensures that you can complete your assignment successfully, because just like the monks, it is “Ora et Labora” to collect the maximum number of points.

Each round, the abbot general assigns a place in the impressive cloister and winning can also earn you the bonus action. Where the monks within the abbey are equal and the abbot is the “primus inter pares”, there is also a vote in the chapter at the end of the final count, which can lead to minus points and the difference between winning or losing if choices are made too quickly in the game.

Informatie van BoardGameGeek.