Rifugio tournament

There is a Rifugio Tournament at Zuiderspel on Saturday, March 16 from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM. The Rifugio Tournament has room for 12 people. Everyone will have the opportunity to play 2 qualifying matches, after which the best 4 will play the finals. The eventual winner will receive a Rifugio game and a tournament kit (containing a unique purple playing color) and a day ticket for the Games Spectacle on November 10, to participate in the Rifugio NK. The winner will also be inducted into the Rifugio Hall of Fame.

When? Saturday, March 16, 2024 from 11 a.m. to 2:00 p.m

What does it cost? The tournament is free. You do pay for the exhibition access.

To register? If you want to participate, register on Saturday before the start of the tournament.

Informatie van BoardGameGeek.